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Each of us knows from childhood that it is impossible to live without water. Just a few days – and a person simply dies from dehydration of the body, because the liquid is critically necessary to ensure the vital processes of our organisms.
As you know, a person’s need for water per day for an adult is from 1.5 to 2.5 liters of water. Moreover, it does not have to be liquid in the form of water, tea, coffee, soup or juice. Keep in mind that many foods also contain precious moisture, the concentration of which is especially high in vegetables, fruits and berries.
The achievements of civilization have allowed us not to worry about the lack of precious liquid, but in many cities its quality leaves much to be desired. There are many reasons for this:
All this leads to the fact that the water from our taps can no longer be called “life-giving” moisture. It is rather a technical liquid that is suitable for washing and wet cleaning, but not for consumption.
The man himself is to blame for this situation, who simply destroys nature and its resources with his economic activity. What should a simple man in the street do, who cares what quality he uses water?
First of all, choose really healthy water with a balanced composition, buying a bottled product or purifying tap water yourself with reverse osmosis filtration systems.
The benefits of water are obvious, because it is a component that is necessary for the life of every organism. Access to water is considered a criterion for the existence of living organisms in nature. It is present in all cells of our body. In adults, it makes up to 60-70% of the total body weight.
Most of the water is present in our body:
Sufficient water content in the body guarantees the maintenance of a constant body temperature and the correct course of life processes. It is necessary, among other things, for the digestion and absorption of nutrients, as well as for the regulation of water-electrolyte and acid-base balance.
As noted above, the source of water in the diet is drinks and foods. Most water (87-95%) contains fruits and vegetables. Milk and dairy products are also an important source of water in the diet.
What are the beneficial properties of water? First of all, it is transportation and delivery. Many nutrients are dissolved in water and then transported in liquid form to every cell in our body.
The water contained in saliva promotes the formation of food bites, moving them further along the digestive tract and is responsible for the proper functioning of digestive enzymes. All these processes run smoothly thanks to the water contained in saliva, gastric juice, intestinal juice and bile.
In addition, water inhibits putrefactive processes in the small intestine and stimulates the bowels. In addition to transporting nutrients, water also cleanses the body by removing waste products such as urea through the kidneys, carbon dioxide through the lungs, and sweat through the skin.
The water contained in the blood maintains a constant body temperature. Blood consists of morphotic elements (erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets) and plasma, which makes up about 55% of the blood volume, of which 90-92% is water.
Blood distributes heat throughout the body and removes it from places where there is too much of it. If the ambient temperature is higher than the temperature of the skin, the body begins to “give off heat”, evaporating water. In fact, evaporation occurs constantly, without our knowledge, however, these are minimal amounts, almost imperceptible and imperceptible.
Therefore, during an illness accompanied by fever, a person begins to sweat intensely. In this case, it is important to remember about proper hydration and replenishment of lost fluids.
Water “protects” the internal organs, being an important component of all body fluids (cerebrospinal fluid and amniotic fluid, for example). It protects our brain, spinal cord, eyeball and also the fetus during pregnancy.
It is thanks to water that the internal organs are not damaged during movement. Water is one of the components of the synovial fluid, which prevents joint friction, and is also a component of mucus, which is responsible for wetting the internal organs.
Water, in addition to directly quenching thirst, can help remove toxins from the body that come out of the pores of the skin along with sweat. In addition, the functions of water include providing our body with additional elements and ingredients in the diet.
Mineral waters may contain magnesium (the recommended content is more than 80 mg/l), calcium (more than 200 mg/l), as well as chlorides, sodium, sulfur and bicarbonates. Due to the different uses of water, we should not get used to only one type of water, but adapt its consumption to current conditions and health.
The unique properties of water are excellent in case of high temperatures, heavy physical work or high activity, in which we produce an increased amount of sweat. Together with sweat, the body loses not only water, but also minerals, so on such days it is recommended to drink highly mineralized water.
For people with moderate physical activity, water with a low or medium degree of mineralization is sufficient.
What should be the ideal drinking water? There are quite a few types of it, so when choosing, you should, first of all, be guided by the main purpose of its consumption. To quench your thirst, it is best to use spring or low-mineralized mineral water.
If water is to be part of a diet that provides certain minerals, then you should choose the mineral water that suits your needs.
Specialists distinguish between waters taking into account the amount of minerals contained in a unit of volume. In accordance, you can choose spring, table, flavored, medicinal and mineral waters with different levels of mineralization.
Spring water is usually cheaper than mineral water, but also less valuable in terms of composition. Its properties and mineral composition do not differ much from tap water. Therefore, drinking spring water is neutral for us and does not bring us any benefit when it comes to replenishing the diet with minerals.
Spring water is obtained from crystal clear sources located in the bowels of the earth. They are characterized by a small amount of minerals, with content ranging from 150 to 500 mg/l.
Table water is spring water enriched with one or more minerals, most often with the addition of mineral water or individual minerals. Table water also has a low degree of mineralization, and the mineral content ranges from 150 to 500 mg/l.
Natural mineral water, by definition, is water derived from proven groundwater resources and characterized by a stable mineral composition and properties of physiological significance that are beneficial to health.
Mineral waters can make up for the deficiency of various minerals in the diet, depending on their composition, they can also have a healing character.
In fact, when choosing this option, you still need to take into account an additional criterion, which is the degree of mineralization:
If we consider the category of medicinal waters, then they are characterized by a very high content of minerals, significantly exceeding highly mineralized waters. Medicinal waters should not be consumed without a good reason or as prescribed by a doctor, as they can upset the balance of minerals in the body.
There are several varieties of them, including ferruginous, fluorine, iodine, sulfide, silicic, carbonic, oxalic and radon medicinal waters.
On the shelves of stores, next to mineral or spring water, you can find more and more flavored waters, such as strawberry or lemon. Is buying it as good a choice as buying regular water?
Flavored water is not actually water, but a drink. This type of product is often sold in the same bottles and with a similar label to give the customer the impression that their choice is as healthy as buying plain water.
Unfortunately, in addition to water, the composition contains:
Many people who buy this type of product think that such water is good for health, but this is nothing more than a marketing ploy by manufacturers. If you do not like to drink plain water, it is better to buy mineral water and enrich its taste with the addition of lemon and mint.
Is it possible to use the cheapest and most affordable option – tap water? Directly from the tap is undesirable, because it can contain anything, from rust from old pipes to silt from the fence.
Water quality can be improved if modern filtration systems are used. They not only help remove unwanted substances, but also improve the taste and smell. Such a filter should have an activated carbon cartridge that will remove chlorine, rust and sand particles from the water.
You may also need a filter for iron removal, for softening water, as well as a reverse osmosis unit that removes even nano-pollution.
Strict norms and rules, when and how to drink water, in fact, do not exist. Usually we drink when we feel the need for it – thirst, for example. In summer, fluid intake increases significantly due to the fact that the body loses it with sweat. In winter, as a rule, we feel less need for water.
In addition, in some disease states, such as fever or kidney disease, the need for water increases. For example, with a fever, a one degree increase in body temperature increases the need for water by 10%.
What is the norm of water consumption for a person? It should be understood that the need of our organisms for this element is largely determined by such factors and nuances as, for example:
It is assumed that on average we should consume 30 ml of water for every kilogram of body weight. Thus, a person weighing 80 kg should consume 2.4 liters of fluid per day. Naturally, this standard corresponds to ideal conditions and depends on the habits of a particular person – someone has more, someone less.
Scientists suggest starting from the following indicative norms of water consumption for our population with a sufficient level of consumption:
As we can see, the daily norm of water, like the daily one, differs significantly for different categories of the population. But what happens if you drink water more than the norm, or vice versa – do not get enough of the required volume? It should be understood that a deficiency or excess of water in the body can have the most unpleasant consequences.
The human body is designed in such a way that it cannot store more water “in reserve” by analogy with a camel and its hump. Therefore, water must constantly flow so that we can always feel normal, doing our work or just relaxing on vacation.
Insufficient fluid intake can quickly lead to dehydration, which can seriously affect your health. The health effects that dehydration can lead to include:
The first symptoms of dehydration can be noticed already with a fluid loss of more than 1%. Then there is a significant decrease in physical performance, thermoregulation, memory, mood, concentration of attention worsen, appetite decreases, a feeling of anxiety and weakness appears. When fluid deficiency worsens and exceeds 8%, it can even lead to death.
Excess water in the body can also have harmful effects. Excessive fluid intake can cause fluid and electrolyte disturbances. The negative effects of excess fluid intake in healthy people are very rare, because their body is able to remove excess water and thus maintain water balance.
Your health and wellness of the whole organism is in your hands. The specialists of the Rixos Prykarpattya spa complex know this for sure, who strongly recommend that each hotel client drink only proven water from reliable manufacturers.
Remember that clean water today is no longer the norm, but rather the exception to the rule. If liquid from the water supply is quite suitable for household needs, then it is better to use products from trusted sources for drinking. It is this bottled water of well-known brands that has been supplied to offices, enterprises, private houses and apartments throughout Ukraine for many years.
If you care about the health of your family, choose the proven quality and life-giving power of bottled water from a trusted supplier. Try it once, brewing coffee or tea, preparing something for the first time, and you will never use regular tap water again.
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