Park area, hotel Rixos
Rixos Prykarpattya
відпочинок в парку, готель Ріксос
Отельный комплекс Риксос Прикарпатье
номер готелю Ріксос
Програма Майер терапії, готель Ріксос
Игра в русский бильярд, отель Риксос
Гідро масаж, готель Ріксос Прикарпаття
Конференц-зал в готелі Ріксос Прикарпатя
ключ от номера, отель Риксос
Ресторан Европейской кухни, Риксос Прикарпатье
Вестибюль отеля, Риксос Пркарпатье
Церемония открытия Академии Майер-терапии, Риксос

Mayr Therapy:Treatment process

detox and rejuvenation
Treatment Process
Комлексне обстеження по Майеру, Ріксос Прикарпаття
Mayer therapy, hotel Rixos, Ukraine
минеральная вода Боржоми в Карпатах

Before starting the course, the patient undergoes a complete physical examination according to Mayr therapy methodology. A certified physician does the diagnostics. The features of posture and bodily structure, details of the anamnesis, mental state, indicators of laboratory and hardware studies, the condition of the skin, eyes, and mucous membranes are taken into account. A manual study of abdominal organs is done. Diagnostic results allow developing a personal therapy course for the patient taking into account his/her personal characteristics.

консультация врача
diagnostics of an organism,Rixos Prykarpattya
Диагностика организма, Риксос Прикарпатье
Широкий спектр досліджень організму, готель Ріксос
Широкий спектр иследования организма, отель Риксос
a wide range of studies of the body, hotel Rixos

During therapy, the patient takes a solution based on sodium sulfate and magnesium sulfate.. This saline solution reduces intestinal absorption of fluid and stimulates the bile flow. Peristalsis of the small intestine is activated. A natural cleansing of the walls of accumulated contaminants, waste, and residues of undigested products takes place. Intensive removal of toxins from the liver contributes to its recovery and regeneration. The body cleansing itself without the use of medications.

Мануальна терапія, Ріксос Прикарпаття
Mayer Program Complex, Rixos Hotel

Visceral massage is one of the main elements of therapy. A certified Mayr therapist is responsible for it. Manual action on internal organs contributes to lymph drainage, unburdening of the liver, intestinal motility, relieving spasms and improving blood circulation in the abdomen. Visceral massage restores the correct arrangement of organs inside the abdominal cavity: the small intestine rises, the load is removed from the diaphragm, as well as the pelvis and spine; as a result, correct posture is restored.

Patient of medical center Rixos
Что посмотреть в Карпатах летом
Relax at the hotel Rixos

The effect of therapy is aimed at protecting the patient from any possible irritants and stresses. Suitable conditions are created for the activation of restoration processes in the body. Unhurried lifestyle, rest, relaxation, and sleep are recommended for the patient. Moderate aerobic exercise such as water aerobics and Nordic Walking maintain the body in good shape, improve blood circulation and saturate the body with oxygen. GourMed® Cuisine individual dietary nutrition allows you to unburden your digestive system.

Культура правильного харчування, Ріксос Прикарпаття
culture of proper nutrition, Rixos Prykarpattya
rekmnehf ghfdbkmyjuj gbnfybz, jntkm Hbrcjc
Правилу питного режу, Ріксос Прикарпаття
Привильный питной режим по Майеру, Риксос, Украина

GourMed® Cuisine unburdening dietary nutrition is a gentle and balanced diet for therapy patients. The diet menu is elaborated individually based on the results of diagnosis, personal characteristics and preferences. GourMed® Cuisine dietary prescriptions include not only the types and methods of cooking but also important dietary guidelines. The diet has a calming effect on the digestive system. The digestibility of products improves. Gustation enhances.

еда по программае детокса
М'ясні страви, готель Ріксос Прикарпаття

During therapy, the principles and rules of a healthy diet are taught. The amount and quality of food and the schedule of food intake are determined and the culture of proper nutrition is developed. Particular attention is paid to the chewing process, which should be thorough, slow, and thoughtful. Patients change their way of life and lifestyle. The correct dietary method and pattern is developed. New healthy habits are formed, which provide long-lasting results after completion of the therapy.

Reception of the medical center Rixos

Dr. Mayr therapy involves replenishing the necessary supply of microelements. Modern lifestyles, environmental issues and the quality of food adversely affect the chemical balance in our bodies. Deficiency of important substances causes disturbances and health problems. Based on the results of the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed the intake of the necessary vitamins and minerals. A course of local mineral water intake is prescribed. Our own pump-room is located inside the resort, with water from four different sources available.

минеральная вода Боржоми в Карпатах
санатории в карпатах с бассейном

The patient undergoes a therapy course supervised by a certified Mayr therapist. The initial diagnosis is followed by a series of consultations, training takes place, visceral massage is done and follow-up examinations are performed. The physician provides the patient with psychological support. The tests are repeated with the same frequency. The positive dynamics of the results verifies the effectiveness of therapy. Based on the results of consultations, the attending physician makes adjustments to the course and gives recommendations for the patient.

Сleansing and rejuvenation
Mayr therapy courses
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Pay upon arrival at the hotel
Arrival date
Arrival date
Departure date
The passage of any program begins at least the next day after checking in.

Accommodation duration  nights

Program cost  uah

The cost of the program is indicated for one person and does not include payment for accommodation
Arrival date
Departure date
The passage of any program begins at least the next day after checking in.

Accommodation duration  nights

Program cost  uah

The cost of the program is indicated for one person and does not include payment for accommodation
Arrival date
Departure date
The cost of the program is indicated for one person and does not include payment for accommodation
Arrival date
Departure date

Купівля новорічного банкету доступна при проживанні в готелі протягом 3 ночей в період з 30.12 до 02.12. Також у Вас є можливість поселитися раніше і поїхати пізніше позначених дат.

Для підтвердження бронювання необхідно внести повну оплату за програму новорічного банкету. У Вас буде можливість оплатити банкет окремо або разом з проживанням після завершення бронювання на сайті.

Arrival date
Arrival date
Departure date
The passage of any program begins at least the next day after checking in.

Accommodation duration  nights

Program cost  uah

The cost of the program is indicated for one person and does not include payment for accommodation
Arrival date
Departure date
Mayer treatment only starts on Tuesdays

Accommodation duration  nights

Program cost  uah

The cost of the program is indicated for one person and does not include payment for accommodation
  • To book Mayer therapy, you need to make an advance payment of 30% of the cost of the program
  • You can book the Mayer program only when staying at the RIXOS hotel for the entire treatment period
  • Accommodation for patients undergoing the Mayer program is calculated at the rate of Room only
Mayer treatment only starts on Tuesdays
Mayer treatment only starts on Tuesdays
Mayer treatment only starts on Tuesdays
Mayer treatment only starts on Tuesdays
Mayer treatment only starts on Tuesdays
Mayer treatment only starts on Tuesdays
Therapy Regimen
Choose the duration of the Mayr program
Program: Check-Up
Program: Check-Up
Program: Check-Up
Program: Check-Up
Program: Check-Up
Program: Check-Up